Um exame da contribuiÃÃo das cooperativas brasileiras ao comÃrcio exterior




This thesis aims to examine exporting co-operatives contribution in the growth of brazilin economy, emphasizing that those institutions have been and effective and efficient alternatives to contribute to ease problems of the economic system, creating trade competition, benefiting consumers, fostering income and employment. Using co-operatives specific information from institutions such as the Brazilian Cooperatives Organization (OCB), and brazilin public institutions (Receita Federal and MinistÃrio do Desenvolvimento, da IndÃstria e do ComÃrcio), this study obtained and analyzed information about co-operatives, with the objective of achieving better market strategies toward exports. Brazilian co-operatives followed the trend of national economy of exporting agricultures products. These agricultural co-operatives have presented several competitive advantages over their conventional competitors in the domestic market: Different types of co-operatives get financing (co-operatives credit) with interest rate lower than those in commercial banks. Those co-operatives established partnership with consumption cooperatives which import gods from many nations and get lower princes through agreement with foreign companies. There exist merges amongst co-operatives which develop similar activities and create scale economy and vertical integrate with the objective to implement supply chain increasing competitive in the international market


economia-comÃrcio exterior gestÃo cooperativista-doutrina econÃmica-tÃcnicas de gestÃo cooperativismo brasileiro-distribuiÃÃo por ramos cooperativas exportadoras brasileiras-abertura de novos mercados-produtos dos estados economia educaÃÃo e cooperativismo-crescimento econÃmico-papel dos estados

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