The profession of presbyterian pastor in the city of São Paulo / A profissão de pastor presbiteriano na cidade de São Paulo




The research made among the pastors of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil (IPB) in the city of São Paulo shows that the Presbyterian pastor lost the prestige status that he enjoyed until the end of the first half of century XX. A long time ago the pastor was a professional whose occupation was respected and valued and the pastoral career was seen as a safeway for a social ascension of many young especially from those rural and small cities. Mainly after fifties, changes of many kinds had occurred, modifying the previous situation. The process of secularizing and the consequent devaluation of the traditional religious institutions had directly affected the Presbyterian pastor. Since then, a question got stronger: What is the pastor for? On the other hand, the Brazilian religious field, particularly in the last 25 years of century XX, faced the irruption of new religious movements, which increased the competition. Movements and newpentecostalism churches appeared, led by a new type of pastor , who acts under others scripts, running adjusted roles according to the rules of a midiatic society. In this new context, the presbyterian pastor reacted with perplexity, and searched news forms to recover the lost prestige. One of the ways he found, was the profissionalization of the pastor role, who became a specialist in social assistance, education or counselling. This strategy is very valued in the contemporary society. However, theologically and ideologically, this religious specialist continues reinforcing himself as an orthodox and conservative shepherd, since this is the paper attributed in the religious organization which he belongs, the condition sine qua non so he can keep on developing its career as pastor of the IPB.


pastores - profissão ciências da religião teologia pastoral ciencias humanas

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