The importance of quick responsiveness in supermarket checkouts: a case study using an analytical queueing model with jockeying. / A importância da rapidez de atendimento nos caixas de supermercados : um estudo de caso utilizando um modelo analítico de filas com trocas.




Self-service companies have been concerned about improving their performance in face of competition, either to conquer new markets or to keep in business. It is essential for them to present good quality products and/or services. Thus, in this study, one of the aims was to show that the waiting time in supermarket checkout lines is very important for service speed and, therefore, for the service level of customers. Other aims include the reasons why the customer goes regularly to a specific supermarket and, among these reasons, the relevance of each one in contrast with the others, and its relative importance. As a result, it was possible to contextualize the scenario in which customers view the importance of queues and their waiting time. Also, the level of schooling of the customers was associated with the factors that lead them to go regularly to the place. This is an interesting contribution because in Brazil there is a relation between income and schooling. Besides, the queueing models that may satisfactorily represent the supermarket checkouts were studied and the one that best represents the system was identified. It was verified that the customers change lines when they notice another line with fewer customers, and the size of this difference was assessed. The queueing model with jockeying was the one to best represent the situation commonly found in supermarkets, and it can offer subsidies for service improvement. In order to carry out this research some companies in the city of São Carlos/SP were contacted, and one among the ones that allowed the data collection was selected. Therefore, this is a case study, thus presenting inferential limitations.


análise de correspondência pesquisa operacional quick responsiveness queueing model with jockeying qualidade de atendimento supermercados supermarkets correspondence analysis pesquisa operacional sistemas de filas com trocas

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