The development of children s economic understanding: evaluation and intervention in the class of the 3rd and 4th grades of the elementary school / O desenvolvimento do pensamento economico em crianças : avaliação e intervenção em classes de 3a a 4a series do ensino fundamental




The objective of this paper was to investigate the economic thought of Brazilian children, between nine and eleven years old, before and after the development of na Economic Education Program. Its mainly relevance was to introduce the economic thought formation study in children in the context of educational research in Brazil, working on the theme in a development model of economic ideas connected to the cognitivist perspective and with influence of the social and educative enviroments. This research was developed in three stages. The first consisted on the translation, adaptation and preparation of the measure tool, TAE-N scale, developed and checked in Chile and pealed through this research in Brazil, with a sample of 132 children, students of 3rd and 4th grades of the Elementary School, in a Private School in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. Still at this stage, a clinical interview in a sample of 30 children was made with the purpose of characterizing them. The results of this first stage showed, by the parameters of the Development Levels of the Economic Thought, prepositioned by Denegri, that the children have presented a primitive economic thought, directed to a specific comprehention of the economic phenomena and with the capacity of creating relations and explain the economic reality from their own daily experiences and from the information they received from their familiar, schoolar and media enviroments. The second stage was developed with the classes of an Economic Education Program entitled ?Educando para o Consumo Consciente?, using the methodology of projects work, in a transversal and interdisciplinar perspective. Finally, at the third and last stage of this research, the TAE-N scale has been applied again on the students. It was verified that al the classes presented an increase in their medium scores, what signalyzes a development in the economic phenomena comprehention. The results indicated an equal growth in the different ages analyzed and a better performance of the boys than the one of the girls, during the application of the Scale. In concern to the classes, all of them presented knowledge growth in the second application of TAE-N, although in different percentuals. The analysis enabled a more specific comprehention of how the Brazilian children understand the economic world as well as more open view on the importance of working on this theme in the Elementary School enviroment


consumer educação economica pensamento economico consumo (economia) socialization socialização - aspectos economicos economic education consumer economic understanding consumidores - educação

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