Study of two sampling methods employed for the street tree inventory in the coastal neighbourhoods of the city of Santos, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. / Estudo de dois métodos de amostragem para inventário da arborização de ruas dos bairros da orla marítima do município de Santos, SP.




The aim of the present study is to examine the efficiency of two sampling methods for street trees inventory in the coastal neighborhoods of the city of Santos. Two methods have been employed: the simple systematic sampling and the stratification according to neighborhood. The five strata which have been analyzed correspond to the following neighborhoods: Ponta da Praia, Aparecida, Embaré, Boqueirão and one strata hereby called Compound, which actually comprehends three adjacent neighborhoods, namely Gonzaga, Pompéia and José Menino. Of the 470 blocks not entirely made up of green areas witch still situated in the study area, 70 have been selected to be the sample (14.9%), in the simple systematic method as well as in the stratified type. In order to estimate the population parameter representing the abundance of trees, the variable “number of trees per kilometer of sidewalk” has been utilized. A qualitative as well as a quantitative inventory has been drawn up in which we have annotated the perimeter of the blocks (sidewalks included), the number of existing elements (trees, bushes and shrubs, either dead or living) and their characteristics. Although both methods of sampling have proven to be efficient for street trees inventories in the coastal neighborhoods of the city of Santos, we have given preference to the simple systematic sampling type, since very little gain in accuracy has been obtained from the sampling method of stratification by neighborhood. So as to estimate the wealth and abundance of the species and the differences in the species composition between the five strata, we have calculated both Shannon and Jaccard diversity indexes. The seven most frequent species are the following ones: Inga laurina (ingá), Sapindus saponaria (saboneteira), Terminalia catappa (chapéu-de-sol), Ficus benjamina (figueira-benjamin), Delonix regia (flamboyant), Lagerstroemia indica (resedá or extremosa) and Callophyllum brasiliensis (guanandí). Of each of the 1.282 evaluated living elements, we have registered characteristics related to the following aspects: tree size, type of conduction or pruning, quality of crown and trunk, insect or disease problems, degree of compatibility with the planted site, areas devoid of paving, damage caused to pavements and the presence of wiring and cables or any obstacles to plant development.


dendometria urban landscape. forest inventory paisagem urbana urban trees plant healthy sampling mensuration urban environment environmental management amostragem desenvolvimento vegetal meio ambiente urbano manejo ambiental arborização de rua fitossanidade prunning inventário florestal poda. plant development

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