Studies involving the Pró-Oxidant Activity of Copper in tumor cells / Estudos envolvendo a atividade pró-oxidante do cobre em cultura de celula tumorais


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this study is to determine how the pro-oxidant activity of copper(II) ion - an important bioessencial metal - affect the cell cycle, using copper complexes with some peptide ligands (tetraglicine, triglicine and glicineglicinehistidine) as a form to carry copper inside the cell. Similar zinc complexes also were used as control to evaluate the activity of ligands itself. The cells models studied were the breast tumor MCF-7 and the histiocytic lymphoma U937. Different concentrations of copper(II) complexes were tested in cells, and we concluded that 50 μM showed a proliferation response. In this work we determined the viability of cells in 24 and 48 h of incubation with copper or zinc peptide complexes by trypan blue exclusion test. Atomic absorption spectroscopy evaluated the entry of copper in both MCF-7 and U937, at different times of incubation. Our results showed that the copper peptide complexes caused an increase of proliferation in MCF-7 cells during the first 24 hours. Effects of proliferation was more evident in cultures of U937 cells incubated with these copper complexes, suggesting an action not in the induction on cellular apoptosis, but on adaptation and proliferation, leading to a dubious role in the action of copper and its oxidative stress generated in the cell.


pepitídeos células tumorais estresse oxidativo cobre quimica copper oxidative stress tumor cells peptide

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