"Stress e coping entre enfermeiros de centro cirúrgico e recuperação anestésica" / "Stress and coping among nurses in operating room and recovery room"




This study intents to verify stress and coping among operating room (OR) nurses and recovery room nurses. The population was composed for all nurses in Santa Maria,RS, Brazil. The total of 17 nurses were intervened, that 29,4% was from private hospitals and 70,6% form governmental hospitals. The date was collected by “ Diary activities inventory” and “ways of coping questionnaire”. The results demonstrated that 70,6% of nurses perceived as stressed. The “ conditions of work” was the stressful item cried (41,18%) and was not dependent of function in OR. They answered that “solving problems” was the most useful coping strategy. Differences statistical significant were detected among; total of stress and perceived stress; total of stress and post-graduate curse; total of stress and relation ship with doctors, nurses, other departments, staff administration and work conditions. In conclusion, the OR nurses were stressed but the used coping strategies in order to work and live.


stress in operating room and recovery room stress coping enfrentamento estresse profissional stress among nurses enfermagem em centro cirurgico

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