Solos geniosos, de epocas turbulentas : cronicas de Antonio de Alcantara Machado para o Diario da Noite




Through this project we have tried to show a commented edition on some journalistic texts written by Antonio de Alcântara Machado to Diário da Noite, a newspaper in Rio de Janeiro, between August 14th, 1934 and April 5th, 1935. In this period the modernist, being the director of the newspaper, used to be responsible for its editorials. A hundred and nine unpublished texts have been collected to become part of our edition. We have decided on a thematic division and within each part the texts obey a chronological order. In the end of the final volume, there is an A to Z. The first volume is dedicated to the analysis of the included texts. Once the political theme has come up as the most frequent one, it has become important to deal with the historical and political context of the period that Antonio wrote to the newspaper in Rio de Janeiro. In order to make this period more comprehensible, we have chosen to face important facts that happened before, such as the Constitutional Revolution in 1932 and the 1930 Revolution. We can observe the modernist intellectual and journalist s critica1 view throughout the chosen texts, mainly when the author refers to Getúlio Vargas govemment. Being from São Paulo and a volunteer in the Constitutional Revolution, he supports democracy and a govemment based on a constitution when he attacks Vargas. In some texts, it is possible to detect the author s literary side. There we can identify the presence of fictional aspects that take us back to António s " Gaetinho" "Carmela" e" Liseta". These aspects also permit our recognizing, not only the politician, but also the modernist intellectual that did not give up the ideaIs of an esthetic revolution, nor the national rea1itythat were very much related to his generation


literatura brasileira - coletanea jornalismo e literatura journalism literature

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