Sincronização de estro com prostaglandina F2 versus progesterona associada à gonadotrofina coriônica eqüina (eCG) em ovelhas deslanadas no Distrito Federal




The aim of this study was to compare two protocols of estrus synchronization in Santa Inês ewes. Thirty-eight ewes were randomly divided into two groups and treated with two protocols of estrus synchronization: protocol PGF2a (two doses of 0.530 mg of PGF2a, nine days apart) and protocol P4+eCG (intravaginal sponge impregnated with medroxyprogesterone acetate, for 12 days and then an injection of 250 IU of eCG). The experiment was in a cross-over design, two estrous cycles apart. On the final day of protocol a transrectal ultrasound examination was carried out to measure the size of the largest and second largest ovarian follicles and on day 7 of estrous cycle blood was collected to measure serum P4 concentration. Laparoscopy was carried out on day 11 after the end of protocols to count corpora lutea. Synchronization rate, size of largest and second largest ovarian follicles, hours between the end of the protocol to estrus and ovulation rate did not differ between protocols. Ewes synchronized with P4+eCG had greater serum P4 concentrations than ewes synchronized with PGF2a (3.9 and 2.8 ng/mL, respectively, P<0.05). Based on the results, it may be concluded that although the protocol P4+eCG was superior in inducing higher serum concentration of P4, the protocol PGF2a was equivalent regarding estrus synchronization.


taxa de sincronização synchronization rate ovino progesterona sérica sheep diâmetro folicular serum progesterone reproducao animal follicle size

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