Seleção de indicadores de desenvolvimentos sustentavel para industrias do setor siderurgico




From the sustainable development concept, the systemic analysis methodology and the parameter for definition indicators is proposed a set of indicators in order to assess the performance of a metallurgic industry regarding its contribution to include society, as a whole, in the process of sustainable development. In order to make the necessary comparison among companies, or sets of companies, which comprise the metallurgic division of a country possible, methods to quantify sustainable development indicators were established by means of numerically measurable parameters, which are common in the metallurgic division. The twelve sustainable development indicators proposed, are presented according to the link between the business subsystem being studied and its surrounding subsystems: the national as international metallurgic division, the environment, the social-economic sector. The indicators which evaluate the relation between the company and the environment are based on eco-efficiency and quality of energy concepts, and are measured through its exergy. Each indicator presents a performance appraisal of the company concerning a determined parameter of the sustainable development, which has to be understandable for people involved in each and every managerical level the company


desenvolvimento sustentavel energia siderurgia indicadores ambientais

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