School failure : the speech of the citizen who fails. Does it? / Fracasso escolar : o discurso do sujeito que fracassa. Fracassa?




The phrase school failure puts at risk various representations of what can be currently understood as a state of disquiet in the field of education. Although failure has always existed, it was only in the 60s of the twentieth century that it entered the school scenario and started troubling education specialists, mainly those connected with children?s education. This paper focuses on school failure by means of psychoanalytical and philosophical studies, with an emphasis on the subject of desire. Based on my past history and formation as a teacher/researcher and on reports of case studies of children who come to me in search of pedagogical support for their learning ?difficulties?, I try to intervene in the discourse sponsored by school failure. Thus, I discuss the relations between knowledge and power, which constitute the disciplinary control society, following Michel Foucault?s views, and the concepts of transference, desire and knowledge in the relation teacher/pupil, following Sigmund Freud?s theories, and his commentators as well. In this respect, and supported by my experience as a literacy 8teacher, I try to show that a failure does not exist. What does exist is a subject (of desire) whose school demands are not satisfied, once this subject has already been a priori classified by a special nomenclature: a case of failure, indiscipline, abnormality.


knowledge desire fracasso escolar school failure desejo saber power poder psicanalise psychoanalysis

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