Salutogênese e narrativas autobiográficas : dimensões experienciais de saúde integral na atualização do terapeuta / Salutogênese and autobiographical narratives: the experiential dimensions of overall health in the upgrading of the therapist




The objective of this study is the formation of therapeutic knowledge taking into onsideration the biopsychosociospiritual dimensions that go beyond the therapist, using salutogenesis as the focal perspective for this discussion. This research aimed to evidence the formative process as a principle factor in actualization for a healthy life. The theoretical foci presented in this study consider the importance of the formation of the therapist starting from their own life experience developed in a context of the appropriation of significant knowledge which auto-bio-graph them as a therapist. The heuristic research method was used in this investigation, allowing the recreation of the experience of being a therapist, creatins new meanings in the experiences lived by he therapist-author-narrator. This text presents a biographical excerpt of the spiritual experience of Saint Teresa of Jesus (St. Teresa of Ávila) and an autobiographical narrative which makes explicit significant aspects experienced during my formative professional-personal process of becoming a therapist. Finally, discussions and questions regarding my experience in the salutary field of Complementary Interactive Practices are presented, together with others still not considered by the Brazilian National Health Council (CNS), which have been developed in the Saint Teresa of Jesus Holistic Space in Fortaleza (CE). Reflections are made on the integrative sources of health in a therapists life, as resources which enable the integral construction of a healthy life in the contemporary context and reduce human suffering. Key Words: Salutogenesis; Therapeutic Knowledge, Integrative Sources, Spirituality, Autobiographical Narratives, Care.


terapeuta holÍstico - formaÇÃo - dissertaÇÕes psicologia social espiritualidade - dissertaÇÕes salutogÊnese - dissertaÇÕes autobiografias - dissertaÇÕes

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