Retinopatia da prematuridade: Incidência, detecção e conduta em hospital de referência no distrito federal




The premature retinopathy (ROP) is a spreading vain disease which is developed from premature retina vascularization and its detection as well as an early treatment diminish scar sequels of the disease and reduce the risk of sighting loss. The ROP is a frequent disease with prevalence of less severe periods and spontaneous reversion. Nowadays there is a tendency of standardization on the concepts and actions to be followed in all neonatal care unities in Brazil that as a developing country has different characteristics in relation to neonatal care of developed countries. This study used the Brazilian guidelines proposal for screening and treatment of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) created by the Group ROP Brazil which is based in the latest updatings on the theme. This study was proposed in order to analyze the incidence and major characteristics of ROP in the premature children population born in the Hospital Regional da Asa Sul (HRAS), during the period from July 2009 to December 2009, which aimed a better knowledge on this disease. It was realized a longitudinal prospective, graphical descriptive and analytical study in 50 premature children of this group. It was observed the incidence of ROP in any period of 32%, being 68% of ROP occurred in children born weight 1.000g or less and prevalence of periods more premature of ROP. It was also observed that 10% of incidence for treatment of ROP, being the treatment done through laser therapy for ROP, giving 100% of resolution of the disease. The follow up for the treatment began between 4 to 6 weeks of chronological age (CA) of premature with gestational age minor or equal to 32 weeks and/or born weight less or equal to 1.500g and vascular maturation of the retina average occurred in 10 weeks of chronological age (CA), period in which the follow up was recommendable. The reversion of the many stages of ROP for the vascular maturation began in even time and was completed lately in the most advanced stages. The weight showed a most significant risk factor for the presence of premature retinopathy. It was observed ROP with a major frequency related to the low born weight, gestational age and oxygen in the first month of life, which represent the most important risk factors. The exam of the eyes has to be initiated between the 4 to 6 weeks of life. The knowledge of the characteristics of this disease allows the early detection of ROP and the selection of the ideal moment to start the treatment.


ciencias da saude incidência cegueira blindness vegf vegf prematurity retinopatia da prematuridade prematuridade incidence retinopathy of prematurity

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