Relógio atômico a feixe efusivo de 133Cs: estudo da estabilidade e da acuracia como função do deslocamento da frequência atômica devido ao efeito zeeman de segunda ordem, ao cavity pulling e ao rabi pulling / A 133Cs Atomic Beam Clock: study of its accuracy and stability as a function of the atomic frequency shift due to the second order zeeman effect, the cavity pulling and the rabi pulling




Since 1967, the definition of the second is based on the atomic properties of the 133Cs atom. The device that realises this definition is an atomic clock. In this work, we present the progress made in the last year on Brazilian scientific time and frequency program. The aim of this dissertation work is the caracterization of our standard. We report the major sifts present in our atomic clock due to Quadratic Zeeman effect, Δν/ν0 =5,4×10-13 Cavity Pulling, Δν/ν0 =1,27×10-13 Rabi Pulling, Δν/ν0 =1,3×10-13 and other ones, which induced a shift in the hiperfine levels frequency of the performances: a global uncertainty of 1,44×10-12 and a short term stability of 1,8×10-10Τ-0,5 .The results were obtained after these changes: we have determined the optimum microwave power injected into the cavity in order to increase the signal and assure that the atoms suffer a π/2 pulse; we have also minimizes the field inhomogeneity by improving the control of the static magntic field along the interaction region; we have decreased the temperature of the clock oven in order to obtain a slower atomic beam. All this changes has increased our accuracy and our stability of about one order.


atomic frequency standard cesium microonda atomic clock laser microwave padrão de freqüência atômico oscilador relógio atômico oscillator césio laser

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