RELATIONAL DATABASE HYBRID MODEL, OF HIGH PERFOMANCE AND STORAGING CAPACITY, FOR NUCLEAR ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS / Modelo híbrido de banco de dados relacional, de alto desempenho e capacidade de armazenamento, para aplicações voltadas à Engenharia Nuclear




The objective of this work is to present the relational database, named FALCAO. It was created and implemented to support the storaging of the monitored variables in the IEA-R1 research reactor, located in the Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, IPEN CNEN/SP. The data logical model and its direct influence in the integrity of the provided information are carefully considered. The concepts and steps of normalization and denormalization including the entities and relations involved in the logical model are presented. It is also presented the effects of the model rules in the acquisition, loading and availability of the final information, under the performance concept since the acquisition process loads and provides lots of information in small intervals of time. The SACD application, through its functionalities, presents the information stored in the FALCAO database in a practical and optimized form. The implementation of the FALCAO database occurred successfully and its existence leads to a considerably favorable situation. It is now essential to the routine of the researchers involved, not only due to the substantial improvement of the process but also to the confiability associated to it.


iea-r1 falcao banco de dados banco de dados falcao iea-r1

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