Mutation analysis for SQL database applications / Analise de mutantes em aplicações SQL de banco de dados




Testing database applications is crucial for ensuring high quality software as undetected faults can result in unrecoverable data corruption. SQL is the most widely used interface language for relational database systems. Our approach aims to achieve better tests by selecting fault-revealing databases. We use mutation analysis on SQL statements and discuss two scenarios for applying strong and weak mutation techniques. A tool to support the automatization of the technique has been developed and implemented. Experiments using real applications, real faults and real data were performed to: (i) evaluate the applicability of the approach, and (ii) compare fault-revealing abilities of input databases


programas de computador - testes software development database sql (computer software language) computer software testing engenharia de software sql (linguagem de programação de computador) software enginering software - desenvolvimento - banco de dados

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