Reflexividade e conflito como motores da aprendizagem: o caso de uma organização educacional.




Reflectiveness, metareflectiveness and conflict as promoters of continuous cicles of apprenticeship, and the social manager role in relation to what has been learned in the organization are the main subjects of this research. We assume that metareflectiveness is the aspect of reflectiveness that comprises an investigation of how we have established the things learned and incorporated into the practice. The conflict has a criative role in organizational learning and can cause contents that are in the friction area to emerge, possibly stimulating a process of change. The aim of this research consists in examining how the conflict and the reflectiveness affect the organizational learning process, emphasising and describing the social manager role (he who is the administrator, professional or not, who acts in non-profit institutions, directed to answer to the communities socio-environmental and economic needs). In the theoretical field, the theories of dialogue and conflict open the discussion on how much the conflict acts as a social propeller and the role of dialogue in relation to what is learned in the organization. In the area of methodology, the utoetnographic method favours and contributes to an insertion of the researcher as a participant of the process.The autoetnography contributes with subective analysis and feedback to the process of analysis and consideration. The case studied with basis on the autoetnographig method is an educational organization (Instituto Chapada de Educação e Pesquisa), because the reflective caracter of the educators professional activity is even more explicit and intense. The dissertation proposes two types of contribution. The first one is theoretical, in reference to the previously quoted theories, in relation to the contributions of reflectiveness and conflict as apprenticeship motors. The second, of a practical-applied caracter, showing how the reflectiveness cooperates with proposed actions in the organization, emphasising and identifyinf the social manager role, in relation to the possible contribution of changes in the organization.


conflict metareflectiveness reflectiveness organização aprendizagem gestor social diálogo prática conflito metarreflexividade reflexividade administracao de setores especificos practice dialogue social manager learning organization

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