ReflexÃo antropolÃgica sobre a relaÃÃo entre brincadeira e realidade no Cavalo Marinho




Cavalo Marinho is a âcultural heritageâ that includes movement, music and poetry, narrating and dramatizing stories of the past (and) present today. This essay has the intention to be, first of all, a reflection about the role that Cavalo Marinho plays in the life of who performs it, of who is it. It also intends to make a reflection about the role that the life of who makes (and is) the Cavalo Marinho play in the movement itself. Stirring up that way a remark about the dialogue between these two universes daily seen by who, in some way, participates of the movement, whether just watching, making clothes and objects or dancing and playing. It has also the aim of raising questions about the relationship between two different societies that, nevertheless, live together and interpenetrate inside and outside the Cavalo Marinho: the ruling and the dominated societies


tradition ethnicity etnicidade brincadeira play tradiÃÃo antropologia

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