Reciclagem neuronal: o espelhamento de grafemas na leitura de um silabário




This research aims to investigate grapheme desymmetrization during the early stage of reading, based on the learning of a syllabary specially built for this experiment within the area of Experimental Psycholinguistics. Its relevance lies on the need to understand difficulties related to the recognition of distinctive features of letters, in the process of children and adults learning how to read, based on Dehaene#s (2007) neuronal recycling hypothesis. Due to the complexity of empirically testing this hypothesis, not only in terms of the number of batteries involved, but also the numbe of subjects required and the specific nature of the main instrument, the syllabary, the goal of this stage of the investigation is to check the viability of the instrument, and the conditions of applicability of all batteries, in order to enable the continuity of the project, whose purpose is to evaluate whether the difficulty in grapheme desymmetrization is greater than the difficulty in distinguishing topologically similar graphemes in the initial phase of reading the syllabary. The subjects, illiterate adults and pre-literate children, underwent six learning sessions of a system of twelve graphemes related to twelve syllables. Pre-testing, intermediate and post-testing batteries were applied, aiming to investigate different skills and to cross-reference them with the learning cues of the syllabary in four pre-literacy children and five illiterate adults, who make up the first application of a testing which aims to reach a total of approximately 80 subjects. The research methodological construct was based on the project developed by Kolinsky at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), contributing to the definition of the syllabary, research design and selection of batteries, some of which were adapted to computer-based versions by Ventura et al, University of Lisbon (UL), using the E-prime software. The qualitative analysis of the data collected up to this point indicates great difficulty in desymmetrization for the recognition of the difference between mirror-image graphemes in the initial phase of reading the sillabary, although the difficulty identifying topologically similar symbols was also relatively high. The data did not point to significant changes in relation to visual processing (more holistic or more analytical). The results also suggest a fast and subtle difference in relation to syllabic skills, particularly among the adult subjects, based on learning the syllabary. The conclusion regarding the viability of the research, in particular the learning sessions and syllabary evaluations, is that the proposal presents itself as being of great relevance to different analyses, based on a more significant number of subjects, enabling a quantitative analysis using more resilient data on desymmetrization. A few adjustments to the evaluation tests were proposed, to ensure that the application time does not compromise the results among the children.


linguística leitura aprendizagem psicolinguistica

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