Rapazes em situação de investigação: microanálise etnográfica de aulas de física




It has been investigated the main characteristics of male students interactions in physics learning situations. It has also been investigated how these interactions interfered on the learning of these students. These interactions took place on upper secondary classes where male and female pupils study together. During a four month term, physics lessons were followed in two classrooms of a federal government school. Ethnographic observation inspired the way the lessons were followed. Notes were taken on a field log in which the development of lessons and main interactions between male and female students or between students and teacher were described. The results are presented according to an ethnographic microanalysis of a set of six lessons. In this set of lessons, male and female students, working in groups of three to four, took part on an investigation activity that is part of the school curriculum. These six lessons were video recorded with two cameras set on different points of the classroom and audio recorders to register talk at student groups. On the whole eight groups in each class took place. All recording of both classes was analyzed the same way, however data and analysis produced are of one of them only. It was used event maps to examine recordings in way to highlight interactions in five levels: student-student inside small groups; with members of different groups; with the teacher; with the tasks set to them; with Physics. Results are presented in the form of a dense analytical description, taking account of gestures, facial expressions, voice tone, and other such details, thoroughly and carefully looking at interactions involved in the learning situation. Analysis was centered on interactions that occurred mainly between male students, with interactions involving female students used as counterpoint. It is concluded that the masculinities highlighted as mobilized around stimulus given by challenges and competitions, power disputes within the groups,


educação  teses física  estudo e ensino

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