Quando Narciso acha feio o que é espelho: o sofrimento do sujeito contemporâneo no adoecimento dermatológico / When Narcissus finds its ugly what he sees in the mirror: the suffering of contemporary subjects in dermatologic illness




This work is about reflections concerning some actual questions which are raised with contemporary subjects based on a comprehension of history and psychoanalytics, stress of the physical experience; and the relationship of skin and falling ill. It is proposed to investigate the contemporary implications in subjective organization prior to the suffering dermatologic. A qualitative-clinical method of inquiry using psychoanalytic theory as the foundation of analysis of data is utilized. By analysis of discourse of 3 ambulatory patients in hospital dermatologic treatment, and semi-directive interviews concerning the suffering reported by patients, and later, conducting a latent theme content analysis with the objective of understanding the symbolic significance as shown by subjects becoming ill. Special attention is called to the daily experience of subjects in relationship to their illness. Whereas the narcissistic concept psychoanalytically presents to be how the basic complaint is the daily experience of the subject, in relationship to illness; before the demand of psychic versions under the perspective of the ideal self. The skin is understood to limit the contingence of display, and is thus an important interface between the inner, and outer self. With failure of the social ideal, there is the existence of the primary ideal of narcissistic physical projection. Our models of beauty are produced by a culture which takes sound ideals and determines esthetic requirements that are embodied by subjects as to how skin should appear. Consequently, an illness, and especially in the study, a dermatologic condition, carries amplified suffering for dermatology patients for that difference between the ideal of contemporary beauty and seductiveness, and how one passes and lives with feelings of difference and exclusion. Whereas traits of suffering are properly a part of the human condition; lived as interdiction; and life, the how of the interdiction of the demands for satisfaction, and the frustration of subjects as they project happiness, and find perfection in narcissism, are subjects of the paper


dermatologic illness contemporanity psicanálise narcissism contemporaneidade narcisismo psychoanalysis doença dermatológica

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