Quality of soursweet sauces of guava (Psidium Guajava L.) and tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum) / Molhos agridoces de goiaba e tomate: qualidade fÃsico-quÃmica, quÃmica, microbiolÃgica e sensorial




Guatchup or catchup are soursweet sauces prepared with either guava or tomato, which take in their formation both sugars and condiments. This work was designed to evaluate the microbiologic, physical, physicochemical and chemical characteristics of commercial soursweet guava and tomato sauces and soursweet sauces manufactured artisanally, following the traditional formulation of catchup, and in addition to evaluating sensorially the two soursweet guava and tomato sauces. The analyses were performed every 30 days for 150 days, the sauces being stored at room temperature. In the sensorial analysis test, a scale of nine scores in decreasing order of acceptance was adopted, where the attributes evaluated were: a) flavor, b) taste, c) viscosity, d) appearance, and) color. All the soursweet sauces analyzed were adequate for human consumption due to the low indices of microbiologic contamination, meeting the Brazilian Legislation standards. The variables L* and a* provided an increased value to the artisanal soursweet guava sauce (ASGS) as compared with the other products. The commercial soursweet guava sauce (CSGS) and the commercial soursweet tomato sauce (CSTS) determined a higher acidity as compared with MAGA, but among the artisanal sauces, the ASGS presented relatively low contents as compared with the soursweet tomato sauce (ASTS). Among the sauces studied, the ASTS showed a higher pH and the ASGS a lower content of soluble solids. In the ASTS, higher contents of lycopene followed by the CSTS, CSGS and ASGS, respectively, were found. The guava soursweet sauce presented better acceptance by the tasters in the attributes flavor and viscosity and the soursweet sauce presented improved acceptance by the tasters only in the attribute color. The soursweet tomato and guava sauces presented no differences, according to the tasters in relation to the attributes flavor and appearance. The storage period was as efficient to preserve the quality of commercial soursweet sauces as the artisanal ones, the latter presenting difference from one another. Therefore, the soursweet sauce can be considered a good alternative for the guava growers with the purpose of decreasing the elevated indices of losses.


sensorial analysis soursweet sauces goiaba catchup catchup. guava bromatologia guatchup anÃlise sensorial tomate molho agridoce tomato guatchup

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