Quality improvement and certification status analysis for Ubá mango fresh fruit and pulp production in Zona da Mata Mineira region / Melhoria da qualidade e análise de conjuntura de certificação da manga e polpa de manga Ubá na Zona da Mata Mineira




The consuming market, be it wholesale, retailer or even the industry, are demanding fruits of high quality standard, with requirements on food safety, better working conditions and production with minimization of environmental damaging. One of the alternatives choosed in Brazil to meet this demand is being the adoption of quality tools such as: Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Hazards Analysis and Critical Control Points (HAPPC), traceability and certification. In this research it was studied the possibility of implanting these quality tools in the Ubá mango producing chain at Zona da Mata Mineira Region, in Minas Gerais State, with the objective of improving fruit quality for processing of mango pulp for juices, nectars and other products. However, this fruit variety is still produced by extractive form, in this Region, which is the main Ubá mango producing area in Brazil. Therefore, fruit producers and the industry must be sensitized and stimulated to guarantee the production of table quality fruits and also for processing. For that, the quality profile of Ubá mango supplied to an industry producing pulps and juices was determined, following along all the production chain, with laboratorial analysis of fruit and pulp samples to evaluate their quality. During the crop year 2003/2004 mango samples before washing and sanitation (called dirty mangos), sampled as they arrived at the industry, presented initial counts averaging 7.34 log UFC of aerobics mesofilics/fruit, and after hygienization, (called hygienized mangos), averaged 5.62 log UFC/fruit, representing 1.72 log cycles reduction. In the crop year 2004/2005, dirty mangos samples presented initial counts averaging 7.02 log UFC for aerobics mesofilics/fruit, and after fruit hygienization, hygienized mangos, averaged 5.76 log UFC/fruit, presenting 1. 52 log cycles reduction. The mango pulp presented values for pH, total soluble solids, titrable total acidity, total soluble solids/titrable total acidity ratio, total solids and total sugars well within those required by Brazilian standards. Hunter color coordinates presented values indicating that mango pulp possesses yellow-orange typical color. In the farm and industry, critical quality points were detected and followed by photographic registrations in order to sensitize fruit producers and industries about implementation of the tools. A HACCP plan for Ubá mango pulp processing was structured. During its implementation some control points were identified. These control points could be controlled along the process. A traceability database was developed (TDB) based on information required along all the production chain, from farm to industry. TDB is useful and required for table fruits and pulp production certification. Traceability is a fundamental feature to reach excellence in any production chain.


manga agroindústria de processamento tecnologia de alimentos quality mango processing agroindustry qualidade

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