Provas ilícitas e proporcionalidade : uma análise da colisão entre os princípios da proteção penal eficiente e da inadmissibilidade das provas obtidas por meios ilícitos




This dissertation is a study concerning the possibility and standards of using the proportion rule of Germans constitutional doctrine to accept formally illegally obtained evidence, considering the preferred right of criminal protection. The preferred rights are not absolute, but they are mutually limited by the proportion rule. The criminal protection is a citizens preferred right and a States essential obligation. Criminal procedure is an instrument for a double target: protect defendants of arbitrary punishment and protect society through the criminal law application. Criminal procedure must have truth to restore social peace. The exclusion of illegally obtained evidence is a constitutional principle, not a rule, which is justified by the target of deterrent effect of policial misconduct and in the demand of fair trial. There is a collision of juridical principles in the exclusion of illegally obtained evidence. Guarantee review considering the criminal procedure functionality. In USA., Germany and Spain, there is not an absolute exclusionary rule. In Brazil, the High Courts precedents about the exclusionary rule exceptions are different from the other countries studied. It is necessary to change Brazilian jurisprudence for gradual admission of exceptions of evidence favorable to defendant, abuse of constitutional guarantees, good-faith exception, privates evidence, breaking rights of third parties, descontamination doctrine, fortuitous finding, harmless error, grave felonies, independent source, inevitable discovery and purged taint.


procedural truth direito principle of criminal protection brazilian exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence reasonableness (proportion rule) fair trial proporcionalidade (direito) deterrent effect of policial misconduct usa high courts jurisprudence atos ilícitos germany spain exceptions systematization principles collision reviews

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