ProSiD : processo simplificado de desenvolvimento de software para pequenas e médias empresas




In spite of the great relevance given to software processes quality, it has been apprehended that there are still a lot of difficulties for small and average sized companies in following heavy-weight processes as Unified Process and complete models like CMMI-SW. Those companies look for lighter processes in general that are already adapted to their reality. Associated with that problem, ProSiD (Simplified Development Process), based on USDP, RUP and some practices of CMMI-SW, was developed to be used in those companies, being a step by step guideline of the activities to be done in a software project. With the purpose to facilitate the implantation and the use of the process, a site of the ProSiD was created, with a similar appearance to the RUP site, where the project team can navigate and consult templates and explanations of the activities and artifacts. This process was applied with success in some software projects and the lessons learnt are being used to adjust the proposed model.


programaÇÃo orientada ao objeto - dissertaÇÕes sistemas de informacao software - dissertaÇÕes

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