Proposta de um modelo de gestão da qualidade para micro e pequenas empresas integrando a estratégia seis sigma à NBR ISO 9001 / Proposal of a quality management model for micro and small companies integrating Six Sigma strategy to Iso NBR 9001:2000




This work has as its main purpose to set a model of Quality Management for micro and small companies integrating the management models: Six Sigma strategy to NBR ISO 9001:2000. An exploratory research is developed to collect technical and bibliographical information on both methods, emphasizing their integration. Then, a survey is carried out on 65 analysts/consultants of Quality Management Systems and it has detected, besides other factors, that current methodologies must be associated in order to reach better results. At last, it proposes the Sigma 9001 model, which aims to make it possible for micro and small companies to objectively and with low costs, implement a Quality Management System, able to assure competitive advantage through improvement identification in the processes, as well as an improvement in the companies management


iso 9001:2000 gestão da qualidade engenharia de producao iso 9001:2000 seis sigma quality management six sigma

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