Proposta de sistema de gestão em segurança no trabalho para empresas de construção civil / Proposal management system for safety at work for construction companies




Safety in the productive chain of Civil Engineering Construction focuses on prevention, intervening through the correction of errors, imperfections, and non-conformity of processes and legislation, thereby preventing consequences that can lead to an accident. The costs of these accidents can be enormous or even incalculable, considering that a human life is priceless. Companies are beginning to realize that competitiveness and profit are not the most important elements of their organization and have demonstrated through the implementation of continuous process improvement their concern with the issue of safety in the work environment. The objective of this research is to develop an Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SGSST) for small civil construction companies, which, according to the Ministry of Work and Employment (MTE), have less than 100 employees and represent 98.28% of workers in the civil construction industry, using as a base the Directives of the International Work Organization (OIT) on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems. To evaluate the proposed SGSST, it was implanted, applied and monitored in a civil construction company located in the state of Pernambuco. The results obtained indicate significant improvements in work environment conditions, creating a new culture within the company, through the use of preventive actions. During the implantation of the system, there was a reduction of risk of work-related accidents, guaranteeing that the implementation of the occupational safety and health management system can bring significant improvements to the productive system with productivity.


prevenção de acidentes construction - accidents engenharia civil construção civil - acidentes occupational safety accident prevention segurança do trabalho dissertações dissertations

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