Occupational health and safety management system for construction companies. / Sistema de gestão da segurança e saúde no trabalho para empresas construtoras.




The excessive number of accidents related to the construction sector and the huge worldwide disasters broadcast by the media make the companies believe that being competitive and profitable is not enough. As such, they also shall demonstrate an ethical and responsible attitude towards health and safety in their workplace, besides dealing with environmental concerns. The Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS), considered an effective tool for the improvement of the workplace conditions, is one of the possible alternatives for the management evolution in construction companies, which have historically shown poor performance in this matter. This research presents relevant information that can be used by construction companies during the development and implementation of their OHSMS. It establishes OHSMS concepts and discusses its main elements and the possibility of integration with quality and environmental management systems, showing the main results achieved by a Brazilian building construction company that were identified during the direct participation of this author in the implementation process. The results demonstrate that OHSMS implementation brings significant improvements in workplace conditions, mainly when it is followed by the establishment of a new culture, which considers occupational health and safety as one essential factor in the global evaluation of the company’s performance.


segurança do trabalho management sistema work safety integrated management system system construção civil gestão sistema de gestão integrado civil construction

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