Produção e detecção de artemisinina em plantas de Artemisia annua L. submetidas a estresses abioticos




Artemisia annua L., native of China and adapted to the Brazilian climate, is a rich source of artemisinin, a sesquiterpene lactone proven to be effective against the malaria agent Plasmodium. The scope of this work was to study the influence of water deficiency and temperature on the plants artemisinin content. Moderate water deficiency (YW -1,39 MPa) and drastic water deficiency (YW -3,44 MPa) followed by rehydration induced a significant accumulation of artemisinin of the dehydrated plants when compared to these with controlled irrigation. Although the accumulation of artemisinin did not result in a greater yield of artemisinin content by the plant. When temperature was taken into account, more artemisinin accumulated at the 18/28 °c temperature range when compared to the lI/20°C temperature range. Another goal of this work was to compare the methods thin layer chromatography (TLC) using photodensitometric detection with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using ultraviolet detection for the analytical quantification of artemisinin contents. The results show that the TLC method does not have the same selectivity and sensibility necessary to be a useful alternative method to HPLC. Under the experimental conditions the TLC method over-estimated the artemisinin contents compared to those determined by HPLC


artemisia annua metabolismo secundario malaria

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