Processos estocásticos e interações de longo alcance




The long range interacting systems are very interesting because of their evolutive behavior towards thermodynamic equilibrium. They pass through a violent relaxation during a short period of time in a quasi-stationary state with anomalous diffusion. After that, it evolves very slowly to a gaussian state in which it presents a normal diffusion. Using simulations with the Hamiltonian Mean Field model we checked however this kind of systems could be described by the Vlasov or the generalized Langevin equation. Different simulations were made, with many different parameters, and a lot of interesting results arised, showing that these equations are great aproximations to the HMF model (begining from 105 particules for an energy of 0, 69) and some of these results (for energies close to the phase transition, U = 0, 75) also indicate a way to proceed our next researches.


sistema hmf interações de longo alcance fisica difusão anômala

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