Processos de acesso, permanência e inclusão de crianças e adolescentes em situação de vulnerabilidade na rede municipal de ensino de São Carlos. / Processes of access, permanence and inclusion of children an adolescents in vulnerable situations into the municipal educational chain in São Carlos.




The present piece of work has as its objective the analysis of the political proposal of inclusive education, which provides support to children and adolescents in vulnerable situations, from 2001 to 2004, placed in the municipal educational chain in São Carlos. As subsidies that could detail this comprehension were sought, this project is expected to identify the necessary ways and actions that an inclusive policy takes in order to guarantee the right to education with quality. In order to comprehend the proposal and its development, a qualitative study which considered the articulation of knowledge and various sources has also been taken. Its qualitative elements are: the theoretical character, with the approach of the concepts of the right to education, inclusive education, vulnerability and integral protection chain, as it is recommended in the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente; the practical character, which was constituted by means of data collect, with data research and analysis of attendance forms, registration files and other official documents considered pertinent. Some testimonies and accounts of events from this period have been included, in order to illustrate this educational policy. The research took place during the initial period of implementation of inclusive education in this chain. During the identification of attendance provided to the educational chain, a great quantity of situations of vulnerability has been observed. They had in common factors such as the violation of fundamental rights, with multiple processes of violence, as sexual abuse, mistreatment, risks of school evasion, familiar negligence, aggressive behaviors, among others. In this study, the development of procedures has also been registered, and many of them were associated. From the considerations that have been made, some conditions could be identified to the realization of this educational policy: the organization of a structure that could guarantee this support, with a multi-professional staff; the establishment of a continuous process of training aiming educators and the protection chains; the establishment of a flow of attendance in inclusive education, in or out the Secretaria Municipal de Educação e Cultura; the articulation among the different municipal public areas, as well as other elements from the systems that aim to guarantee rights of children and adolescents, as Vara da Infância e Juventude, the judicial department which investigate reports of mistreatment towards children and adolescents and Conselho Tutelar, the public sector which receives reports of mistreatment towards children and adolescents and others; support to education, through other areas such as health, social assistance, leisure and recreation, among others; and in some cases, the need of breaking the isolation, or at least bridge the gap between school and the community, and the reality showed by the students. Through the analysis of the collected data, it can be understood that the situations of vulnerability are manifested in different contexts, and the scholar environment is an important space to protection and prevention to the students, since it is structured for this purpose, within an inclusive policy.


inclusive education educação inclusiva direito à educação vulnerability vulnerabilidade right to education integral protection chain rede de proteção integral

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