Previus reconciliation commissions : speed up or deregulate? / Comissões de conciliação previa : agilizar ou desregulamentar?




The purpose of this dissertation is to analysis the Previous Reconciliation Commissions. The Reconciliation Commissions are a private sphere of composition of work individual conflicts, wchich are organized and managed by the Labor Unions. The Commissions have been created to unclog the Labor Justice and to update the national system of regulation of the labour relantioships in Brazil. They are inserted in the more general moviment of flexibilization of the labour rigths iniciated in Brazil from the years 1990. The hypothesis took into consideration is that the neoliberal policy and ideology, the reopening of the economy and the productive reestruturation criated a fruitful field for the flexibilization of the labor relationships and it just contributed for the remove of the rigths and to the labor precariazition. In this sense, it is understood that the Previous Reconciliation Commissions have the purpose of weaken the public regulation of labor, which give the enterprises a bigger autonomy in the determinaton of hire conditions, use and remuneration of labor power. The labor development showed that the Previous Reconciliation Commissions didn t contribuate to the decrease of the number of prosecutions submited to appreciaton in the Labor Justice and that they have been used as a informal mechanism of elimination of the labor protaction rules


mediation and conciliation industrial mediação e conciliação trabalhista labour rights direito do trabalho

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