PrevalÃncia das enteroparasitoses em pacientes HIV-positivos atendidos em centro de saÃde no MunicÃpio de Caruaru/PE â 2007




Aiming to evaluate the frequency of enteroparasites in patients attempted at the Specialized Attendance System of the Regional Reference Center for Attendance to HIV/AIDS Carriers of the Health Center Amelia Pontes, Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil, a retrospective, descriptive study of prevalence was carried through. Two hundred and two fecal samples of 105 HIV/AIDS carriers, 59% of male sex, with average age of 38.16Â10.14 years, living at 78% of cities included in 4th Regional Administration of Health Department, attempted from December 2006 to June 2007, were included. Fecal samples, harvested in 10% buffered formaline (pH=7.0), had been analyzed at Pernambucoâs State Central Laboratory and Clinical Analyses Laboratory of the Agresteâs Regional Hospital, by Hoffman-Pons- Janer, Baermann-Moraes, Kato &Katz, Sheater centrifuge-flotation under safranine dying, as well as modified trichromic coloration for Microsporidium spp. The variables were: self-reference of pets at residence, sexual option, selfreference of injectable illicit drugs use, flow cytometry evaluation of acquired immunodeficiency and enteroparasites diagnosed. The prevalences were: Giardia lamblia (1%), E. coli (2,8%), E. histolytica (12,4%), I. butschlii (1,9%), A. lumbricoides (1%), T. trichiura (1%), S. stercoralis (1%), Hymenolepis nana (2,8%) and Criptosporidium ssp (1,9%). There was a prevalence reduction of opportunists enteroparasites, probably due to the use of powerful antiretroviral therapy


prevalÃncia prevalence anatomia patologica e patologia clinica opportunistic enteroparasitosis hiv hiv enteroparasitas oportunistas

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