Pressão arterial e perfil lipídico de crianças na idade pré-escolar: influência da prematuridade / Blood pressure and lipid profile of children in pre-school age: influence of prematurity


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Hypertension, dyslipidemia and other chronic diseases represent a challenge for public health, and finding the causes and consequences of such conditions is essential for defining a prevention strategy. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of premature birth on blood pressure and lipid profile of children in preschool age. This is a cross-sectional study conducted with 65 children ranging from 3 to 4 years of age, 37 premature babies and 28 born at term; all with birth weight appropriate for gestational age. The following variables were analyzed: birth weight, gestational age at birth, current weight, current height, sex, family history of hypertension, family history of obesity, family history of dyslipidemia, nutritional status, maternal age and educational level, body fat percentage, BMI, waist circumference, and glycemia. Blood pressure was classified according to the parameters established by the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (2007). The lipid profile was obtained by measuring total cholesterol, HDL-c, LDL-c, triglycerides and calculations of the ratios total cholesterol/HDL-c and LDL-c/HDL-c. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee on Human Research of the Federal University of Viçosa. No association was found either between premature births and levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure or lipid profile in the children studied. It was found, however, correlation of the systolic blood pressure with current weight (p <0.001), current height (p <0.009), BMI (p <0.008), waist circumference (p <0.012) and glycemia (p <0.045). In the case of diastolic blood pressure, there was correlation with: current weight (p <0.003), BMI (p <0.014), waist circumference (p <0.005) and fat percentage (p <0.013). When analyzing the group of children as a whole, it was found that 67.2% of the children had total cholesterol above the upper limit of normal; 48.4% had HDL-C below the normal limits and 50.0% had LDL-C above the normal limits. It was also found association between LDL-c with both fat percentage (p <0.009) and Z-score of BMI-for-age (p <0.039), indicating the relationship between adiposity and dyslipidemia in children.


nutricao prematuridade pressão arterial perfil lipídico pré-escolar prematurity blood pressure lipid profile pre-school

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