Por uma nova arithmetica: o sistema métrico decimal como um saber escolar em Portugal e no Brasil oitocentistas




This study fits into the field of the History of School Disciplines. Our objective is to find how the introduction of the metric system into Brazil and Portugal in the second half of the nineteenth century came about. This new knowledge had to be integrated into the general education system in order to adhere to the legislation of both countries. The renovation led to changes in school Arithmetic, not only due to the inclusion of a new system of weights and measurements, but also to other content, such as decimal numbers. Our main sources were Portuguese and Brazilian school printed material published in the eighteen hundreds. With regard to the methods used to incorporate the metric decimal system, we can affirm that the period of study constitutes a transition phase during which diverse publications and methodologies abounded in an attempt to establish a model. We show that incorporation of the new knowledge does not occur in the same manner in all schools, even though these may follow the same guidelines and didactic texts, nor does it occur straight away due to the fact that school culture needs time to adapt to the changes imposed, giving it new meaning. We conclude that during the period studied, certain bases were established for the disciplinarization of the metric decimal system and for the changes which took place in the teaching of Arithmetic in primary schools


século xix metric decimal system sistema métrico decimal school knowledge brasil arithmetic portugal matematica aritmética brazil educacao matematica cultura escolar aritmetica -- estudo e ensino -- historia sistema metrico -- brasil -- historia saber escolar matematica -- estudo e ensino xix century portugal sistema metrico -- portugal -- historia

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