Polymorphic inheritance of glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and the cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes, susceptibility to prostate cancer and prognostic / Analise do perfil genotipico do sistema glutationa S-transferase e citocromo P450 na avaliação de susceptibilidade ao cancer de prostata e de prognostico




Prostate cancer is currently the most common malignancy worldwide, second only to skin tumors. The incidence of prostate cancer has risen dramatically over the last decade, more than can be explained just by the increase in longevity. It is also apparent that prostate cancer is now being detected at less advanced stages than in the past. Increased awareness of the disease and improved detection methods are thought to contribute to this earlier detection. The polymorphic inheritance of human drug-metabolizing enzymes, such as those encoded by the Glutathione-S-Transferase (GST) and the Cytochrome P450 (CYP) systems, may be implicated in both cancer risk and prognostic. We compared GSTT1, GSTM1, GSTO1, GSTP1 e CYP1A1 genotypes of 125 prostate cancer and 100 benign prostatic hyperplasia patients. Lifetime occupational history, cigarette-smoking, and other anamnestic data were obtained through interviews. None of the studied polymorphisms was found associated to prostate cancer risk either considered in separate or in combination, in uni ou multivariate regression logistic analysis. Also, there was no association between genotypes and possible clinical factors of risk, or any parameter of tumor agressiveness at diagnosis or during follow-up. Our data suggest that GST and CYP1A1 genotypes are not associated to the susceptibility to prostate cancer or its outcome in the Brazilian population


sistema enzimatico do citocromo glutathione transferase cancer prostata - hipertrofia prostatic hypertrophy prostata - cancer glutationa transferase citocromos cytocromes cytocromes p-450 enzyme system prostate

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