Politics and performances of diversisity : intercultural musical scene in São Paulo / Politicas e performances da diversidade : etnografia de um circulo musical intercultural em São Paulo




The objective of this dissertation is to analyze the constitution of a world music production and consumption scene in São Paulo (Brazil) by a network of musical groups and musicians dedicated to the practice of non-western and non-Brazilian musical instruments and languages. This network is formed both by groups that are specialized in specific musical cultures - which sound is largely classified as ethnic music - and groups with a generalist approach to music - which sound is classified as "encounter" or "fusion" of many musical cultures. The fieldwork that provides the observations and interpretations herein combines the assistance of the circuit of commercial performances and my participation in a choir destined to transnational. immigrants dwelling in São Paulo, as well as formal and informal interviews with musicians and musical producers. Through these observations I intend to clarify the logics of production and incorporation of "world musics" to local repertoires and how cultural diversity is used as a rationale of music-making.


diversidade cultural cultural diversity cultural policy music musica - história e crítica politica cultural educação intercultural intercultural relations

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