Participação de aprendizes no processo de concepção de interfaces : uso de storyboards para apoiar a construção de modelos de tarefa e de prototipos




Nowadays the importance of the area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in the construction of interactive computational systems is noticed each time more, however when it is intended to use the knowledge of this area in the pedagogical context to make possible an improvement in the generation of interfaces, it is perceived a scarcity of works associates to the integration of these areas for mutual benefits. Ahead of the scene above, this work aims at the development of a methodology that support the work of groups of pupils mediated for the professor, having as main goal the knowledge construction, through the use of storyboard. The use of storyboards allows the apprentice to express the content searched in the form of interactive sketches. The described methodology possesses one another source that it makes possible to integrate this construction of knowledge of groups of apprentices to the interfaces conception process. The link of communication between the context Pedagogical and HCI is in the possibility to use storyboards constructed by the apprentices in the classroom, to facilitate to the work of designers in the construction of tasks models; and on the basis of the visual characteristics and of navigation of these storyboards and the Tasks Model (TM) associate, to allow the designer the conception of interface prototypes. The application of this methodology, as well as its validation, had occurred during the development of projects carried through in three groups of students of the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Ceará CEFET-CE. Two groups were of average education and a group was of superior education. The reached results had evidenced an active participation of the groups of apprentices in the construction of the interactive sketches, providing a lower cognitive effort the designer in the development of tasks models and the corresponding prototypes.


interface homem-mÁquina - dissertaÇÕes sistemas de informacao

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