Para qué sirve este diccionario? : la enseñanza de habilidades de uso de diccionarios a estudiantes de letras español




The bilingual dictionary is one of the most used tools by foreign languages learners. However, not everyone knows how to use it properly. Some researchers in the field of pedagogical lexicography advocates the teaching of dictionary skills, but few studies have been made about it. This study tries to fill this void and presents one research in teaching dictionary skills to university students learning Spanish. The aim of this research is to verify if a class improves dictionary use. The results show, surprisingly, that the instruction is both efficient and inefficient because it increases the relation between dictionary use and right choices on the one hand, but on the other, it does not seem to encourage the use of a dictionary.


dicionários bilingues tradução e interpretação lingua espanhola - lexicografia lingua espanhola - dicionários linguistica

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