Ozone therapy, contributions for Veterinary Dentistry / Estudo da ozonioterapia como contribuição para a odontologia veterinária




Ozone, the triatomic form of oxygen, has been widely studied over the years. With a very oxidative potential, acts against bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses. The high instability, after a few minutes makes it return to the oxygen form. This is important because of the non residual effect on the environment. The ozone has also an immune modulating effect, stimulating the release of endogenous anti-oxidants and acts in the circulation system inducing to an increase on oxygen tissue levels. This research aimed to gather information about ozone, particularly the antimicrobial effect, raising the importance of the applications, aiming a possible use of the ozone in Veterinary Dentistry. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the ozone therapy can be an important adjuvant to infectious diseases control, and can be used in different types of clinical applications.


antimicrobial immune modulation imunomodulação ozone veterinary dentistry antimicrobiano odontologia veterinária ozonioterapia ozônio ozone therapy

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