Efeitos da ozonioterapia sobre parâmetros clínicos, hematológicos e da bioquímica sangüínea em eqüinos / Effects of ozone therapy on equine clinical, hematological and blood biochemistry parameters




The purpose for this study was to evaluate equine hematological (hematocrit, hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocytes, neutrophils, bands, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils and platelets) and biochemical parameters (glucose, fibrinogen, creatine kinase and gamma glutamyltransferase) submitted to ozone therapy, in behalf of the immediate response pattern (the following 24 hours) in between the gas mixture applications (resting period), as well as the positive and/or negative tendencies during the application period and the dose and sex influence or the interaction of these factors on the parameters. Moreover, pattern, tendency and effects of ozone therapy over heart (HR) and respiratory (RR) rates during the recovery period (up to 20 minutes after ozone therapy) were monitored. Twelve cross bred horses, 6 males and 6 females, between 4 and 20 years old were exposed to ozone therapy through the intravenous application of 500 and 1000 mL of the gas mixture, every three days, during 24 days. Four groups were conformed: MT500, MT1000, FT500 and FT1000, which comprised males (M) and females (F) receiving 500 and 1000 mL of ozone, respectively. The different ozone effects over the hematological and blood biochemistry parameters were at first studied during the resting period (1, 6 and 24 hours after each ozone application) and for heart and respiratory rates this immediate evaluation was during the recovery period (until 20 minutes after each ozone application). Furthermore, the parameters were assessed during the experimental time. The results revealed that only the platelets count and glucose and gamma glutamyltransferase concentrations, revealed a linear pattern in response to ozone therapy during the resting period. The former was increased (platelets) and the others diminished (glucose and gamma glutamyltransferase). Positive tendencies were observed after ozone therapy through the hematocrit and erythrocytes values increase, the later count was greater within the mares. Also an augment was registered on neutrophils count even though in a later phase. Furthermore, a transient augment in bands count, platelets and a hypoglycemic effect within each experimental group was seen. Only gamma glutamyltransferase showed an evident initial increase with a later decrease in each group. According to sex, the results revealed that this was a relevant factor on the erythrocytes blood count (p<0.05) in response to ozone therapy, where the females showed higher mean values of this parameter, independently of the administered dose. Finally, related to the heart rate (HR) and respiratory frequency (RF), the results revealed an increase in HR (p>0.05) and RF (p<0.05) in all horses exposed to ozone, independent on sex, dose or the interaction between these factors. After the recovery period (until 20 minutes after ozone therapy), the HR and RR mean values decreased, fact that could imply preconditioning on the horses cardiorespiratory performance. Adverse effects induced by ozone were not observed in the animals through the intravenous application during the experimental period.


clinica veterinaria ozônio equine ozone sorologia hematologia veterinária serology veterinary hematology equino

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