Origem, fé e identidade: um estudo sociológico da comunidade Alto da Bela Vista no município de Jequié-Ba. / Origin, faith and identity: a sociological study of the Alto da Bela Vista community in the Municipality of Jequié-BA.




This paper sets out to study the Alto da Bela Vista community, located in the city of Jequié-BA, under three analytical perspectives: origin, faith and identity. As far as origin is concerned, the aspects related to the process of occupation and urbanization of the area were studied by means of a quantitative and qualitative research. The paper also focuses on the participation of the Catholic Church while the community was being populated, as well as on the implementation of PHB-BID and its local impacts. In regard to faith, a religious profile of the community is established, in which the religious domains of Pentecostalism, Catholicism and Candomblé are investigated, with an emphasis on Pentecostalism. Lastly, the issue of the identity conflict involving the two names by which the community is known is discussed: Alto da Bela Vista (Nice View Heights) and Inferninho (Little Hell).


alto da bela vista urbanização religião identidade alto da bela vista urbanization religion identity ciencias humanas

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