Ocorrencia de ulceras em pacientes com pe diabeticos : fatores clinicos preditivos




The rnain objective of the present work is to compare clinical evaluation and laboratory tests assessment in patients diagnosed with diabetic foot with and without ulcers and search for clinical or biological markers, which might be involved with the ulcer s occurrence in a group ofpatients at risk. For this we had studied thirty-nine patients diagnosed with diabetic foot and plantar ulcer (group A) and thirty-nine patients with diabetic foot but no ulcers (group B). All the clinical files and routine laboratory tests were assessed in order to evaluate if those factors might be considered as predictive for the etiology ofulcers. We found a 74,4% prevalence of nephropathy in-group A and 43,6% group B (P=0,OO5).Neurological and vascuIar abnormalitieswere found simultaneouslyin 30,8% of group A patients and in 7,7% ofthe patients in-groupB (p=O,OO5). Our concIusions were: co-existence of neurological and vasculopathy in patients diagnosed with diabetic foot leads to a lO-fold increased risk ofplantar ulcers, and nephropathy alone leads to a 2,7-fold increased risk


nefropatias diabeticas doenças vasculares perifericas neuropatias diabeticas diabetes vasos sanguineos

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