O uso de vários registros na resolução de inequações: uma abordagem funcional gráfica




Unsatisfied with the algebraic resolutions to one unknown inequations presented by most of our sophomore students we decided to research ways of contributing to the teaching of inequations algebraic resolutions by means of a graphic functional approach. While interviewing some Mathematics teachers we realized they did not know such approach. We decided to discuss it in two groups, one composed by public school Mathematics teachers and other by sophomore Mathematics students, by means of activities, which were developed on the basis of Semiotic Representation Registers Theory. Using three different representation systems we aimed our research to answer one basic question: Concerning one unknown equations and/or inequations can a approach based on registers conversions and treatments start a global discussion about their resolution? We have developed a quality research in three steps, all of them inspired on Didactic Engineering: preliminary analysis; conceiving, designing, a priori analysing, applying and observing a didactic sequence; and validating. In order to validate the results we used Efraim Fischbeins arguments that Mathematics learning is only achieved when one knows how, and are able to interact concepts formal, algorithmic and intuitive aspects. Our analysis showed a complete absence of formal aspects in all the subjects and an almost coercive presence, sometimes hidden, of intuitive numerical aspects. Therefore, even though most subjects have managed to do registers conversions to graphically solve the proposed inequations, none of them were able to relate graphic and algebraic resolutions. They also did not transfer new knowledege to their algebraic resolutions


function função gráfico graph matematica inequation inequação representação representation

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