Uma abordagem funcional para o ensino de inequações no ensino médio




This qualitative research was conducted with students undergoing the second year if Senior High School in a private school in the south area of São Paulo. We looked for answers to the following questions: Up to what extent does the teaching of inequalities through a functional graphic approach, which involves the treatment and conversion of registers of semiotic representation, can or cannot favor the students understanding of the subject in question? What are the difficulties faced? What are the advances realized concerning the coordination of these records? In order to do that, we elaborated, applied and analyzed a diagnosis instrument composed of five activities inspired by our teaching practice, by the analysis of textbooks used by the students and mainly by the research developed by Traldi (2002), Fontalva (2006), Bianchini e Puga (2006) and Giusti (2008). Besides that, we took as reference the theory of register of semiotic representation, developed by Durval (2003) to elaborate and analyze the issues raised by us.The diagnostic instrument covers the topics: polynomial inequalities in the first degree, systems of inequalities of the first degree, inequations rational, functions whose algebraic expressions are represented by radicals and inequalities quotient. The questions were reformulated in order to make possible the coordination of more than a record of semiotic representation in the solution process.The research subjects participated in two sessions for the resolution of the same activities, being the first with the help of the software GeoGebra and the second without the help of technology. The results show that this kind of approach may be satisfactory in solving inequalities, since we observed an improvement in the mathematical knowledge of students from the first to the second session, indicating that students may have related the graphics resolution to the algebraic resolution. Nevertheless, the students had difficulties in explaining, through natural language, the procedures used by them in solving problems. This research consists of a product composed of our diagnosis instrument and our analysis tools, which are available for use by educators interested in applying this approach in their classes


matematica educação algébrica inequação registro de representação semiótica geogebra algebraic education inequalities register of semiotic representation

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