O significado da violência na identidade do idoso uma visão sociodramática




This research proposes to study the relationship between violence and identity of the elderly, from the very vision of the elderly about what he considers as violence, and how this condition affects them. For that, it is used a critical-analytical gaze on the relations of power inserted in the act of violence, using as reference the theoretical framework on violence and the Psychodrama theoretical contribution. This research has a qualitative approach, featuring as an action research, having the Sociodrama as its instrument. The research group is composed of 35 elderly women, non institutionalized, residents in the city of Paranoá (DF Brazil), age ranging between 60 and 84 years, mostly widows, living with their families, migrants mainly from the northeast region, all with long term residence in DF, with little or no education, low income, all participants of a group of coexistence, where the research was developed. The data were collected through two instruments, the interview and a thematic sociodrama. This proposal enabled the creation of a space of exchange among participants, allowing knowing and analyzing, from the sociopsychodramatic experience, indicators that show the reality of violence experienced by those elderly, manifested in the complementarity of dominador / dominated roles, characteristic of the relations of power current in social system. The results have been compiled in six categories and analyzed by the method of depth hermeneutics. The analysis show the dominance of institutional violence, mainly practiced in the health care system, with its manifestation in the form of bad service, disqualification, denial of the subject while Other Self, and others, even getting to physical and moral damage to the elderly. The results are based on the analysis of a micro-balance of power established in a hospital environment, but corroborates the existing literature on these relationships reproducing the macro-relations of power existing on the broader social systems, and also the vast majority of statistics, pointing for the manifestation of violence in this area. It was noticed the issues meaning complexity and its effects on the identity of the elderly, once it is a multi-stablished, multifaceted whole, which does not allow linear analysis. Nevertheless, the data analysis suggests the negative effect of the various forms of violence on the identity of the elderly.


idosos ciências humanas violência elderly identity sociodrama identidade idosos - maus-tratos; violência; sociodrama violence sociodrama

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