O relacionamento entre as farmácias e drogarias e seu distribuidor: uma modelagem à luz da teoria do comprometimento-confiança do marketing de relacionamento / The relationship between the pharmacies and drugstores, and its distributor: a modeling in the the light of the commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing




The relationship marketing contributes for the survival of companies and for the business success. Its goal is to develop deep, lasting and mutually satisfactory relationships between suppliers and customers. The relationship marketing is associated with a strategic perspective, with the company positioning and with the necessity of relationship of the company with the others organizations. In this study relational exchanges between the distributor and retailer are investigated, that is, between who offers various products and services and who sells these products and services to the final consumers. The subject of this study deals with the relationship between the pharmacy and drugstore, located in the Great São Paulo, and their main distributor of medicines. Commitment and trust are important concepts in this relationship, and play a mediator position within a set of existing variables in the relationship. The model of the commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing (Key mediating variable) of Morgan and Hunt (1994) was applied, with the inclusion of the construct power. Initially it was carried out a qualitative research, which contributed to a greater knowledge of the pharmaceutical context and a second qualitative research to assess the constructs and their indicators. Next, it was carried out a quantitative research, which consisted of personal interviews with those responsible for purchasing the medicines to the pharmacies and drugstores, to obtain data in order to apply the theoretical model in the pharmaceutical context. The main statistical technique used was structural equation modeling with the software SmartPLS. The results indicate that the construct power can be part of the model, and confirm that trust and commitment are mediators constructs of the relationship. Among several interesting findings were noted: the need for greater communication and cooperation between the parties, the inverse relation between the degree of commitment and the propensity to leave the relationship, the relation between trust and cooperation and between trust and commitment between the involved parties. The model should be tested in future research with a greater enrichment of the constructs used, both in the pharmaceutical context in other localities, as in other sectors of activity that is relevant to the analysis of relationship marketing actions. Marketing professionals can assess the relationship with theirs business partners with the application of the studied model and identify strategic guidelines for the strengthening of this relationship.


modelagem de equações estruturais marketing industrial medicines (distribution) marketing de relacionamento industrial marketing medicamentos (distribuição) relationship marketing structural equation modeling

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