O processo de descentralizaÃÃo e o Programa Estadual de QualificaÃÃo Profissional em Pernambuco: o papel das comissÃes municipais de emprego




This work approaches the phenomenon of the decentralization of the public politics in Brazil starting from the process of return of the political democratization of the country in the decade of 80 and with the publication of the constitution of 1988. It is accomplished a historical of the process and the relationship among it it politicizes it publishes of formation and professional education in Pernambuco and the actor s " municipal commission of employment " performance in the execution of the program. The main concern of the work consists of to verify the degree of institutionalization of the program and to look for elements that check the institutional consistency of PEQ (Programs State of Professional Qualification) in Pernambuco. For that is developed a statistical model of multiple lineal regression to test the work hypotheses. The research problem looks for to verify the " political " alignment of the municipal districts with the state government he/she brings benefits in the preference for the approval of municipal commissions of employment and in the distribution of the resources of PEQ in Pernambuco prioritizing the state government s allies using the data of the year of 2001


qualificaÃÃo profissional institutionalization institucionalizaÃÃo decentralization descentralizaÃÃo ciencia politica municipal commissions of employment comissÃes municipais de emprego professional qualification

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