O perfil de idosos com alterações de linguagem sob uma perspectiva gerontológica




This research has investigated elderly patients in speech therapy affected by two specifics types of speech dysfunctions that can occur after neurologicallesions, called Aphasia and Disartry. The investigation was conducted with four elderly patients, being two institutionalized and two out of it, by evaluating their development during the therapeutic process by combining their fite story through a specific questionary and tests and investigating which factors can influenciate in the therapeutic processo It was shown the results of the interpretation about the cases evolution considering the fonoaudiologic and elderly aspects. Based on that it was detected the interference of the individuais traces of each patient functions especially in their speech therapy. The project was considered viable by Capes and coordinate by prof. Paulo Renato Canineu, md. and it was made from a collection data of patients in therapeutic process with the author having as a background alllanguage theories and knowledge learned during the pós graduation in Gerontology - PUCSP


linguagem disartria elderly aphasia envelhecimento disartry afasia language transtornos da articulacao envelhecimento ciências humanas afasia

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