O orgão tubular : guia pratico sobre seu idiomatico com ilustrações dos Quadros de uma Exposição de Moussorgski / The pipe organ s exuberance : a practical guide of its idiomatic writing with illustrations from Moussorgsky s "Pictures at an Exhibition"




Aiming at exposing the organ, an instrument distant from the Brazilian audiences, this dissertation will deal with practical information for consulting the organ s physical characteristics and its expressive qualities. Due to little exposure, and scarce production of national works for this instrument, together with scarce literature on this subject in Portuguese and the organ s not being included in current Brazilian culture, this research presents itself as an important reference for the study of the organ. It envisages to be a practical research material for the understanding of the pipe organ s idiomatic writing, its functioning and its sound characteristics, these being illustrated by different transcriptions of Modeste Petrovich Mussorgsky s (1839-1881) Pictures at an Exhibition (1874). This project has two chapters. In the first one, data like the description of the instrument, its notation and interpretive techniques are presented; and in the second they are illustrated with examples taken from transcriptions for the organ. In the latter, various procedures utilized in published and commercial transcriptions and recordings are compared, especially pinpointing the procedures which are less faithful to the original text in that universe. This work will show the elements of notation, texture, tessitura, registration, timbre and acoustic results, which are highly varied due to the fact that the authors of such transcriptions having come from different European countries which cultivated differentiated organ traditions along the centuries. The intent of this dissertation is thus to support one in the art of registration, in the adaptations that organists need to make when interpreting pieces on different organs, as well as in the rendering of compositions and idiomatic writings


arranjo (musica) orgão tubular pipe organ organ music arrangement (music) escrita idiomatica musica para orgão - história e crítica registração organistica organ registration idiomatic writing

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